Vertical Farming Technologies

Continue below to see the various technologies that enable Vertical Farming

Why use technology to disrupt a 10,000+ year old industry?

Over 50% of land is currently used to produce our food. As the population continues to grow and and climate-related events (droughts, floods, fires etc.) become more common, our source of food is more at risk than ever. 


Modern outdoor farms accelerates climate change with unsustainable practices, negatively influencing the climate and weather. And as our water and nutrients become more scarce, modern farm runoff poisons the fresh water we have left, accelerating the downfall of the very system we currently rely on to survive.

Learn more about the problems with modern outdoor farming here.

Luckily, Vertical Farming is the answer! Here’s why:

  • Vertical farm-grown crops can grow in any environment, isolated from the weather in controllable, contained units
  • Indoor farms are kept air-tight, preventing bugs and harmful microorganisms from getting in and spreading, eliminating the need for pesticides that are poisoning our water and populace
  • Fertilizer, another source of pollution from modern farms, is not needed in vertical farms. Instead, nutrient solutions are fed directly to the roots of the plant
  • Water usage is drastically reduced, using as much as 95% less water than even “technologically advanced” outdoor farming

Technology is the answer, but the battle against unsustainable farming has just begun, and we have a long way to go

While modern farming technology has been optimized for centuries, vertical farming is a much newer way to grow crops, and that means there’s a huge amount of untapped potential to make vertical farming globally scalable

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy in all its forms can positively benefit vertical farms, reducing our reliance of non-renewable energy that simply will not last forever

Robotics, AI, and IoT

Advanced robotics, running on self-learning neural net-powered, AI software, can be connected to series of sensors, allowing for automated monitoring, movement, and maintenance of crops that traditionally require human intervention

Artificial ecosystems

Fully sustainable, artificial ecosystems are within our grasp. Using symbiotic bio-organisms, smart manufacturing designs, and efficient water technology, real sustainability is in our future

01. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy comes in all shapes and sizes, all of which can work together to eventually overcome the need to rely on the power grid and fossil fuels in general. Some examples of renewable energy include:

02. Robotics, AI and IoT

Robotics have been used for precision manufacturing for decades. When combined with an omni-sensing Internet of Things environment, powered and controlled by self-adjusting AI software, these technologies can provide scalable solutions without the need for human supervision. Such technologies include:

03. Artificial Ecosystems

Machines and software, when combined with biotech and advanced climate control systems, will enable the perfectly sustainable indoor farming environment, creating a perfectly symbiotic, self-sustaining environments to cut costs and save resources. Some areas of interest include:

“The ultimate form of our technological achievement will be identical to the beginning state of this nature.”

Toba Beta


Let us know what challenges you’ve faced while farming indoors. Whether you’re just starting out or an indoor farming veteran, we’re here to help!