Building The Garden (BTG)

Using innovative technologies and growing techniques to provide efficient, affordable and scalable tools to the modern vertical farmer

We're on a mission to create 100% sustainable farming practices

Please continue below to learn more about who we are, the problems we're trying to solve, the technologies and practices we can use to save the planet, and how you can help us

Problems with Modern Farming

Modern farming is keeping us fed, but the methods being used are not sustainable.

Climate change, water scarcity, pesticide overuse and fertilizer runoff are just some of the existential issues that threaten our world.

Cutting Edge Technology

Agriculture is quickly becoming one of the most technologically advanced sectors on the planet.

Are you interested in AI, robotics, genetics and renewable energy? Vertical farming relies on all of these technologies.

We need your help!

Are you an indoor farmer? Have you considered indoor farming but had trouble getting started? We need your help!

Please continue here to take a brief survey OR Add your contact information so we can reach out and learn more about your goals, problems, and try to find solutions to meet your needs

"One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken"

Leo Tolstoy


We are two young entrepreneurs supporting the transition to more renewable methods of agriculture.

Building The Garden was started to address some of humanity’s greatest future threats; drought, water scarcity and climate change in all its forms


Let us know what challenges you’ve faced while farming indoors. Whether you’re just starting out or an indoor farming veteran, we’re here to help!